We’re delighted to see that Dorset is listed on Buzzfeed’s list of 24 towns you absolutely, positively must visit in New England! We’re proud to be associated with such classics as Castine and Kennebunkport and Bar Harbor, ME, as well as Newport and Block Island, RI.
Number 1 on the list is our fellow Vermont town, Woodstock, and it’s not too far away from us. So come stay over in Dorset, and take a day trip to Woodstock and the other classic Vermont town listed, Grafton. One other Vermont “town” made the list of 24, too: Montpelier, our state capital, and the smallest state capital in the nation! There is a lot that’s interesting and beautiful here. Indeed, we wish Buzzfeed had chosen slightly better Dorset photos. Come check us out and see how pretty and fun it is here for yourself!